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December 22nd, 2017 : Article about « Dans le monde des castors ».
Dans le monde des castors - In Beaver World
Le Naturaliste Canadien is a Canadian French-language peer-reviewed scientific journal published semiannually by the Société Léon-Provancher d'Histoire Naturelle du Canada. The journal publishes articles on all topics of natural sciences with a specific focus on ecology and conservation biology in Quebec. The journal also acts as the official publication of the society. The journal is the oldest scientific publication in French in North America and one of the oldest scientific journals still in publication in Canada. (Wikipedia)
Website for Le Naturaliste Canadien and Société Provancher
Click to enlarge the article
Dans le monde des castors is available in french here : Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.fr and other shops
October 14th, 2017 : Wild Life on the Rockies now available in french under the title Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses
Cover for Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses
Cover Picture by Alan D. Wilson / NaturesPicsOnline.com
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses is a french translation of Wild Life on the Rockies written by Enos A. Mills in 1909. This book contains the record of a few of the many happy days and novel experiences which Enos A. Mills has had in the wilds. For more than twenty years, it has been his good fortune to live most of the time with nature, on the Rocky mountains. He is a nature-lover charmed with the birds and the trees and he has made scores of long exploring rambles over the mountains in every season of the year. While climbing up the Rockies, he has gone through many life-zones and seen numerous standing and moving life-forms, all struggling, yet seemingly all contented with life and the scenes wherein they live and struggle. He travels without a firearm in the wilds. He faces wolves and bears. He watches how beavers build dams. He travels through storms, climbs up the mountain with his dog Scotch, falls into rivers, survives snowslide, spends great nights by the camp fire, studies a tree which lived for a thousand of years, becomes friend with a horse on the mountain, guides an eight years old girl up to the summit of the Longs Peak at an altitude of 14000 feet... He watches flowers, animals, birds, tree distribution over the mountains. Through his eyes, we see wild life on the Rockies. Read more.
Enos A. Mills (1870 - 1922) was an American naturalist. He was called the "Father of Rocky Mountain National Park" as he helped establish the Rocky Mountain National Park to protect forest, animals and their habitats. Naturalist, writer, photographer, mountain guide, he wrote many great stories about wild life, animals and trees. He watched many animals, their behaviors, their games, their relationship to nature and man. For him, each animal, each plant, each form of life had its own story to tell.
Available in french here :
Buy Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses from Amazon.com
Buy Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses from Amazon.ca
Buy Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses from Amazon.co.uk
Buy Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses from Amazon.fr
Buy Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses from Amazon.de
Buy Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses from Amazon.es
Buy Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses from Amazon.it
August 26th, 2017 : International Dog Day with Enos and Scotch
Enos and his dog Scotch lived lots of adventures together in the forest, in the mountain up to the summits and the Continental Divide.
Scotch was always faithful, very smart. He tracked and prevented fire from starting in the forest.
Scotch saved Enos more than once and Enos saved Scotch too.
"At the close of one of our winter trips, Scotch and I started across the Continental Divide of the Rocky Mountains in face of weather conditions that indicated a snowstorm or a blizzard before we could gain the other side. We had eaten the last of our food twenty-four hours before..."
Scotch and Enos A. Mills, they were together and never worried about past or future.
They spent many nights outside facing a camp fire with the stars above them.
"Through the seasons and through the years Scotch and I wandered in the wilds and enjoyed nature together. Though we were often wet, hungry, or cold, he never ceased to be cheerful. Through the scenes and the silences we went side by side; side by side in the lonely night we gazed into the camp-fire, and in feeling lived strangely through "yesterday's seven thousand years" together."
L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills
Available in french here : Amazon.fr, Amazon.ca, Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk and other shops / stores.
July 30th, 2017 : Enos and Scotch friendship
July 15th, 2017 : "L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage" is published
Today, it's friendship day.
Read about a great friendship between a man and his dog Scotch.
Through the years Scotch and I wandered in the wilds and enjoyed nature together. Though we were often wet, hungry, or cold, he never ceased to be cheerful. Through the scenes and the silences we went side by side; side by side in the lonely night we gazed into the camp-fire, and in feeling lived strangely through "yesterday's seven thousand years" together.
"The Story of Scotch and other tales of wild life" is available in french :
L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills
available on Amazon.fr, Amazon.ca, Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk and other shops / stores.
Cover for L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage
Cover picture by Michelangeloop / iStockphoto
The french translation of "The story of Scotch" and "The Story of a Thousand-Year Pine" is published under the title L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage.
The book is a collection of animal and nature stories written by Enos A. Mills. Enos A. Mills (1870 - 1922) was an American naturalist. He was called the "Father of Rocky Mountain National Park" as he helped establish the Rocky Mountain National Park to protect forest, animals and their habitats. Naturalist, writer, photographer, mountain guide, he wrote many great stories about wild life, animals and trees. He watched many animals, their behaviors, their games, their relationship to nature and man. For him, each animal, each plant, each form of life had its own story to tell.
The french book can be ordered from Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.fr and other shops here :
Buy L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage from Amazon.com
Buy L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage from Amazon.ca
Buy L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage from Amazon.co.uk
Buy L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage from Amazon.ca
Buy L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage from other shops / stores (Amazon.de, Amazon.es, Amazon.it).
May 6th, 2017 : "Dans le monde des castors" is published
The french translation of "In Beaver World" is now available under the title Dans le monde des castors.
The book was written by Enos A. Mills, an american naturalist who watched for more than 25 years beavers in their natural environment. He watched them build houses, burrows, ponds, dams, houses, canals. He watched them play and harvest trees and much more !
The french book can be ordered from Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.fr and other shops here :
Buy Dans le monde des castors from Amazon.com
Buy Dans le monde des castors from Amazon.ca
Buy Dans le monde des castors from Amazon.co.uk
Buy Dans le monde des castors from Amazon.fr
Buy Dans le monde des castors from other shops / stores (Amazon.de, Amazon.es, Amazon.it).