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March 2019

March 21st, 2019 : New edition of « Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses » now available

March 21st, 2019 :

A new edition of « Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses » is now available

Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses coverbook

It's a french book but here is an english summary for those interested : This book contains the record of a few of the many happy days and novel experiences which Enos A. Mills has had in the wilds. For more than twenty years, it has been his good fortune to live most of the time with nature, on the Rocky mountains. He is a nature-lover charmed with the birds and the trees and he has made scores of long exploring rambles over the mountains in every season of the year. While climbing up the Rockies, he has gone through many life-zones and seen numerous standing and moving life-forms, all struggling, yet seemingly all contented with life and the scenes wherein they live and struggle. He faces wolves and bear, watches how beavers build dams, otters play. He follows bighorn sheeps, survives snowslide, spends great nights by the camp fire. He watched wild animals play, becomes friend with a horse on the mountain, guides an eight years old girl up to the summit of the Longs Peak at an altitude of 14000 feet... He watches flowers, animals, birds, tree distribution over the mountains. Through his eyes, we see wild life on the Rockies. Read more about this book.

Enos A. Mills (1870 - 1922) was an American naturalist. He was called the "Father of Rocky Mountain National Park" as he helped establish the Rocky Mountain National Park to protect forest, animals and their habitats. Naturalist, writer, photographer, mountain guide, he wrote many great stories about wild life, animals and trees. He watched many animals, their behaviors, their games, their relationship to nature and man. For him, each animal, each plant, each form of life had its own story to tell.

Buy « Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses » : Amazon.fr, Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.de, Amazon.es, Amazon.it, Amazon.jp and other shops / stores.

Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses Coverbook
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